Version [31479]
Dies ist eine alte Version von IntUrhRLimitation erstellt von Jorina Lossau am 2013-06-18 17:07:51.
Internationaler Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht II
Teil 5 - Limitations of Author’s Rights
Unterkapitel5.1 Temporal limitations5.2 Territorial limitations 5.3 Limitations in scope/Statutory licensing |
The copyright is limited by law in three regards: temporal limitations, territorial limitations and limitations in scope (statutory licensing). A forth limitation is possible by contract (contractual licensing). The often called technical licensing refers to technical copyright protection systems (e.g. digital watermarks, dongles, and rights management systems); those techniques block the access to digital content under copyright protection. Collective licensing is the contrast to individual licensing which is possible by contract or technical licensing. Collective licensing takes place by collective societies that are commissioned (a) by the authors contractually or (b) by the law in cases of statutory licensing (17 U.S.C. §§ 112 (e), 114, 115, 116, 118, 1004) to collect and distribute royalties for all represented authors. |
Weitere Informationen finden sich in folgenden Unterkapiteln:
5.1 Temporal limitations |
5.2 Territorial limitations |
5.3 Limitations in scope/Statutory licensing |
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