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Dies ist eine alte Version von IWissArbeiten erstellt von RonnyGertler am 2012-12-18 11:52:47.
Hinweise zur Gestaltung von Studien- und Abschlussarbeiten an der Fakultät Informatik der FH Schmalkalden
Inhalte von Prof. Dr. Uwe Hettler (Fassung vom 25.09.2012)
Consider any project, and you'll also have to consider any phases within the project. Construction projects have definite phases. IT-projects have definite phases. Marketing, sales, and internal projects all have definite phases. Projects - all projects - are comprised of phases. The sum of a project's phases equates to the project's life cycle. Project integration management is the heart of project management and is made up of the day-to-day processes the project manager relies on to ensure that all of the parts of the project work together. PIM gears the project work together.
Marketing-p-4570.html Bachelor Multimedia Marketing]]: Immatrikulation zum Wintersemester, Regelstudienzeit 6 Semester
Im Studiengang Multimedia-Marketing (B.Sc.) vermitteln wir spezifische Marketingkenntnisse im Bereich der neuen Medien, die für
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